Welcome to FightLikeAGirlUK.org!
Since the launch of this site, we have many workshops in different locations, such as Dulwich, Covent Garden and Hammersmith. But we are in the process of planning more workshops.
If you or your organisation would like to book us for any workshops in your city or have an idea you would like to collaborate with us on, be sure to get in touch! We have worked with many groups, from local councils, charities, businesses to university societies, so whether you are an individual or group, we would absolutely love to hear from you!
All charity workshops are require a donation of your choosing to book a ticket unless you cannot have pay trail or email trail in which case you can contact Della directly to book your space.
All courses organised by us offer free spaces to those who cannot afford the course, and we have student discount code. Please contact for the promo code for either here!

Self Defence Programme
Before booking any of our workshops please read our disclaimer
What is #FightLikeAGirl?
Fight like a girl began as a campaign where Sifu Della was encouraging women and young girls of all backgrounds to feel confident and comfortable to step foot in a room to learn martial arts.

How did it begin?
Coming from her experience of being stalked as a young girl and from meeting other women who have had trauma and violence in their life, she realised how daunting it can be to walk into a gym with the pre-conceived idea that it would be mostly a male environment, and although the intention is to encourage women to later integrate with men to learn martial arts. Della wanted to allow a space for women to be taught by her and in an environment they would feel comfortable with at this first stage.

What will I learn?
The courses and workshops are designed to tackle common attacks and problems women would likely face in a violent or dangerous situation.
EVERYTHING taught is effective and efficient and does not require physical strength!

All the techniques, theories and strategies you will learn in the #FightLikeAGirl Workshop are based on years of experience and understanding. I know from personal experience what it means to feel vulnerable and scared… and what it means to take back control and be empowered. This workshop will give you a clear understanding of your strengths… and how to use them.
One of the best ways we, as ladies, can defend ourselves is by using our opponent’s strength against them. Brute force is not necessary. This #FightLikeAGirl Women’s Self-defence Seminar will get you on the right track to develop the ability the take care of yourself in any situation.
What can I expect?
Each workshop and course will instil you with the essential ingredients you need to defend yourself. We’ll start with key principles of self-defence, top tips to stay safe, and the importance of self-belief and motivation. But that’s not all, because you will…

"Above all, be the heroine of your life,
not the victim."
Nora Ephron

The topics covered in the programme include:
Aside from the practical side we also talk about how to deal with fear, increase awareness and prevention.
The self-defence programme is based on what's likely to happen on the street. The topics include:
How to prepare your journey and stay safe.
How to prevent, be aware, and recognise dangerous situations.
Sexual harassment - what it is and what to do about it!
Defence against controlling attacker - chokes, body and hand grabs, hair grabs, being dragged to the ground or picked up.
how to use everyday objects to help you defend yourself against a dangerous attacker.
SUPPORTING CHARITY BEDE HOUSE - a charity who work to help women who have been victims of domestic violence.
*A percentage of profits will be donated to:
Bede House Association
registered charity number 303199

It should never be a woman’s job to have to protect herself – but choosing to learn about self-defence can be incredibly liberating. Fight Like a Girl is a practical beginner’s guide, in which women’s martial arts expert and survivor Della O’Sullivan draws on her years of experience to give us the tools to protect our bodies and minds. Out on 25th May in paperback, ebook and audiobook, you can pre-order now at all good bookshops including Amazon!

'My goal in attending self-defence class was to learn new skills that I could not learn elsewhere, that would get me out of the basic 'freeze/fight/flight' options, which were very limiting. This course achieved this in bucket-loads and then some. I have never done any contact sports or learnt any fitness skills that would give me the confidence to physically protect myself. I have learnt so much on this course and the trainers ensured that we learnt skills in a way that was comfortable for us and so easy to take in the information. It is a practical course, where you learn mind strategies and physical moves to protect yourself. I found the women on the course eager to learn but respectful of each other's space. The trainers were also very good at encouraging us but also giving us the space to practice slowly and build up if needed. I have a whole tool kit of skills now that will give me a lot more confidence if I every need to use them. It is really energising to learn a new skill and to physically move your body in a new way. This is the only course I have come across that gives women a realistic set of self-defence tools that energises and increases your confidence. It also doubles up as a fun workout - my abs are glowing after the mat work session! This is a great course, on several levels - get to know how resourceful your body can be by doing this course'
- Helen - Dulwich July 2023 5 week self defence class